Financial Investments

Paragon offers and implements solutions according to the investment objectives of each of its clients. We select the best investment products from the local and international markets, considering return, risk and associated costs. This provides our clients with a consolidated view of their investments, facilitating the evaluation of the results of the strategies designed for them. We use an open architecture to minimize potential conflicts of interest, and our clients' investments are constantly safeguarded in their name, with custodians and financial institutions of their choice.

Investment banking

Paragon offers its customers a wide range of services, including financial restructuring, M&A advisory, and advice on real estate investments.

Family business corporate governance

Paragon provides advisory services in the design of family company boards and family councils. We support our clients with their organizational structure and estate planning.

Legal and tax advice

Paragon provides guidance and support to its customers in the process of selecting appropriate law firms specialized in legal and tax issues that may arise from the purchase or disposal of assets, changes in the corporate structure, or adjustments in family estate planning.